My collection of thoughs and whispers from everywhere

Part of my journey in second life, an off-world collection of articles.

Secondlife:Cloth Protection, copybotting skins

Here we go, what’s a simple method to protect yourself against copybotting skins?

Such thing comes from some viewers that do “Cloth Protection”. Use Emerald, Meerkat, or any other that have that feature on.
It basically blends all the layers together onto the baked textures, so if you want to steal that specific skin, you must take all the clothes (wearables, not prims) with it, then you will always have to be wearing the same stuff … which renders that skin useless.

Other protections i’ve heard of is to have anti-inspect shields. That’s causing lag, BIG lag. Who need lag, lol? I won’t.

It’s enough without it, when you have a render cost above 12k. duh!

October 27, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , | Leave a comment